Defining CTO Basic—Initial Exercises

Initial Exercises

Purpose: The purpose of these initial exercises is that the instructor will use them for demonstrating the basic functionality in Defining CTO Basic, which entails:

These initial exercises are intended for instructor use.

If you are a student, add the XX in the characteristics/parts below with your initials. This ensures uniqueness and makes it easier to locate your data. For example, John Smith would prefix his data with the letters JS: JSGDCOLOR, JS-Part No, etc. You do not need to adhere to this naming convention for the discrete options you create.

Main Exercises

Create Configurable Part

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to familiarize you with the basic functionality of creating configurable parts.

Part/Part Configuration Revision
Part Configuration Revision

Prerequisites: A configuration family with connected characteristics must be defined.

Steps: To complete this exercise, perform the following steps in the sequence shown.

IFS Racing markets garage doors have a configuration family named EasyFlex garage door product line. This family is not yet associated with any parts. You should help IFS Racing by connecting the configuration family to some parts. Then, verify that the part configuration revisions are correct.

  1. Open the Part window.
  2. Create (F5) part IE-11, with Easy Flex Garage Door and a UoM of pcs.
  3. Select the Configurable check box.
  4. Save (F12).
  5. Click the Part Configuration Revision tab.
  6. Select the EASYFLEX configuration family from the List of Values.
  7. Save (F12).
  8. Click Yes to copy the family characteristics to the part configuration revision.

Note: A new part configuration revision is created in the Tentative state. By clicking Yes, all characteristics belonging to the family will be inherited to the part configuration revision. If you answer No, the part configuration revision will not have any characteristics. Always check the part configuration revision to ensure that the characteristics are correct.

Create New Part Spec Revision

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to familiarize you with the basic functionality of creating a new part specification revision for a configurable part. 

Part/Part Configuration Revision
Part Configuration Revision

Steps: To complete this exercise, perform the following steps in the sequence shown.

Method 1:

  1. Open the Part window.
  2. Query (F3) for part IE-11.
  3. Click the Part Configuration Revision tab.
  4. Create a new record (F5) and enter a description and phase in date of Dec.31 2010.
  5. Since this method gives you an empty revision, you must re-enter all necessary data. No data from the previous revision is inherited.

Method 2:

  1. Open the Part Configuration Revision window or the Part Configuration Revision tab.
  2. Query (F3) for part number 14 and family EASYFLEX.
  3. Create a new part spec revision by right-clicking in the window header and clicking Copy Config Part Spec Rev.
  4. In the Phase In Date field of the Destination Revision area, enter a phase in date of Dec. 31 2010 for the new revision.
  5. If required, you can specify a phase out date for the new revision by entering a date in the Phase Out Date field in the Destination Revision area.
  6. Click OK. If an information message appears, click OK.
  7. Now you have created a new revision for the part 14 EasyFlex garage door segment that inherited the data from the original revision. To check all revisions, right-click in the window header and click Config Part Spec Revision.
  8. To be able to use the part configuration revision, make sure that the effective time range of the revision is not overlapping with an already released revision. Right-click and then click Release.

Maintain Part Configuration Revision

Purpose: You will learn how to make changes in a base part revision and what data you can maintain.

Part Configuration Revision

Steps: To complete this exercise, perform the following steps in the sequence shown.

  1. Open the Part Configuration Revision window.
  2. Query (F3) for part  14 revision 2.
    Add characteristic:
  3. Create new line (F5) and select characteristic GDCOLOR from LOV. Only characteristics connected to the family are in the LOV.
    Add option value:
  4. Select the characteristic to which you wish to add a new option value.
  5. In the lower part of the window, create a new line (F5).
  6. Select an option value from the List of Values or enter a new option value. Note: The option value must already have been entered for this characteristic.
    Set default value/qty:
  7. Enter/change a default value/qty for the characteristics. When a configuration is created, this value will be shown as a suggestion but can be changed.
    Set characteristic to mandatory or not mandatory:
  8. Change GDCOLOR to not mandatory, optional characteristic. When a configuration is created, this characteristic will not be shown from start and a value for this does not need to be defined. To set a value for this optional characteristic, create a new line and add char. and value.
    Mandatory price Yes/No:
  9. This defines if a price for this characteristic is required. If you set this to No, you can set a price for the characteristic but it is not necessary.
    Price break type:
  10. If using price breaks, you can set this to the maximum or minimum limit before a price break. For example, if Minimum 10 pcs is set to 10 USD, you would pay 10 USD for an order of 10 pcs or more. If Maximum 10 pcs is set to 10 USD, you would pay 10 USD for an order of 10 pcs or less. The amount of pcs (10 pcs in this example) is set in price functions for the configured part.
    Char.Qty price method:
  11. If you have a characteristic with characteristic quantity, you can define if the price for this characteristic will be affected by the quantity for this characteristic. For example, If a remote control  costs 25 USD and a customer can chose how many he or she wants, setting the Char.Qty method to No means that the price for the configuration will be the same regardless of the number of remotes desired by the customer. Setting the field to Multiply means that the price will change depending on the number of remotes.

Create Configuration Formula

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is to introduce you to the basic functionality for how to create and approve a configuration formula.

Prerequisites: The characteristics in the table shall be connected to the family below.

Data Type Value Description
Characteristic GDHEIGHT Height of garage door (in mm)
Characteristic GDWIDTH Width of garage door (in mm)
Configuration Family EASYFLEX EasyFlex garage door production line

General Exercise for Creating Configuration Characteristic
General Exercise for Creating Configuration Family
General Exercise for Connecting Characteristics To Family

Configuration Formula

Steps: To complete this exercise, perform the following steps in the sequence shown.

  1. Open the Configuration Formula window.
  2. Create a new record (F5).
  3. In the Formula Code field, enter a code  XX for the formula.
  4. In the Description field, enter a description for the formula code. 
  5. In the Config Family Id field, select family EASYFLEX from the List of Values. Save (F12). 

The formula looks like this: (GDWIDTH * GDHEIGHT) * 0,235.

  1. In the Element tab, create a new record (F5).
  2. On the right, click the Operator tab palette. Double-click on the element for open parentheses: ( Open Paren.
  3. Create a new record to insert a new row (F5).
  4. On the right, click the Characteristics tab. Double-click on the element for characteristic GDWIDTH.
  5. Create a new record to insert a new row (F5).
  6. On the right, click the Operator tab. Double-click on the element for multiplication: * Multiplication.
  7. Create a new record to insert a new row (F5).
  8. On the right, click the Characteristics tab. Double-click on the element for characteristic GDHEIGHT.
  9. Create a new record to insert a new row (F5).
  10. On the right, click the Operator tab. Double-click on the element for close parentheses: ) Close Paren.
  11. Create a new record to insert a new row (F5).
  12. On the right, click the Operator tab. Double-click on the element for multiplication: * Multiplication.
  13. Create a new record to insert a new row (F5).
  14. In the Item field, enter 0.235.
  15. Save (F12).
  16. Enter test values for the characteristic values GDWIDTH (4500) and GDHEIGHT (3000) in the Test Value field.
  17. Save (F12).
  18. Test the result of the formula by clicking Test Formula.
  19. Approve the formula by right-clicking and clicking Approve.

Note: This initial exercise continues in the Manufacturing Standards for CTO initial exercise.